Serving on a Board of Directors is one way people choose to give back to their community. Whether it’s for a charity, religious organization, or …
What Is Business Interruption Insurance and How Does It Work in a Pandemic?
COVID-19 sparked government-ordered shutdowns in March 2020 and put business owners on a course toward unchartered territory due to the pandemic. Business owners suffered financial …
Let’s Stop Blurring the Lines Between Work & Home
Remote working has given cybercriminals more opportunity to get through the back door of your network and wreak havoc. While you’re trying to avoid contracting …
Could Your Employees Intentionally Hack Your Business?
When most of us think about a cybercriminal, we usually think of a creepy guy behind a desk, possibly in another country. But did you …
Threats of Yesterday are Still Present
What Lies in Wait?
2020 will be a year that is remembered for making us uncomfortable. This state-of-being has been exacerbated by several things including the coronavirus pandemic. …
Credit Card Fraud
A small-time scam that paves the way to greater swindling.
Credit card fraud is a type of identity theft that can lead to a grander scheme. Roughly 60% of people are accessing services or …
Phishing: Spear, Whaling and Angler aren’t just for fishermen!
Most people when hearing the terms “spear, whaling and angler” assume they are fishing terms. They are, but they’re also “phishing” terms. These are popular …
Daily Website Attacks
Forbes recently revealed that about 30,000 websites get hacked every day. A large percentage of those are small, legitimate business sites that are unknowingly distributing …
Are Your Texts Coming from the True Presidential Candidates? Scammers Are “Smishing” to Steal Your Identity
The 2020 presidential election campaign is in high gear now, and scammers are taking advantage of the public’s heightened interest in the race between Trump …
From Cradle to Grave, Safety and Security are a Constant in Life
From the time we enter this world, our personal safety and security are a constant priority and a necessary component for our healthy development. Parents …