“It has become very difficult to draw a meaningful line between urban and rural municipalities, and between cities, boroughs and surrounding townships, especially when considering police protection, refuse collection and disposal, sewage facilities, economic development, housing, flood control and water supply.”
–Borough Council Handbook (Blair County)

They also should have mentioned insurance. Stretched across Pennsylvania’s 67 counties are an incredible number of overlapping jurisdictions and governing bodies: 959 boroughs, 1546 townships, and 56 cities.

This confusing, multi layered patchwork poses complicated insurance challenges. Our years of work with government entities of all shapes and sizes means that we understand what questions to ask, where potential pitfalls lie, and are able to ensure that your staff — and property — are covered.

Our Comprehensive Coverage include but is not limited to:
  • Equipment Insurance
  • Commercial Auto Insurance
  • Property Insurance
  • Liability Insurance
  • Workers’ Compensation Insurance
  • Flood Insurance
  • Cyber Insurance

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