Make Sure Your Backyard Party is Protected

As graduates move their tassels from right to left, the season of backyard celebrations commences. Graduation parties typically take place in a family’s backyard, in addition to weddings, Fourth of July celebrations, and neighborhood barbeques. Before you host a celebration of this type, check your homeowner’s insurance!

Inviting a crowd of guests to your home for festivities comes with several risks, and as the host, you have responsibilities, including the safety of your guests. Before you open your door to invitees, it’s best to contact your insurance agent to understand the details of your homeowner’s policy.

Talk with your insurance agent about the following common scenarios:

Before you host your next house party, gain peace of mind by calling Charles Leach at 814-275-3224. Our professionals will provide you with a thorough review of your current homeowner’s insurance and make recommendations to ensure you are properly protected so you can enjoy your party!

Free Insurance Quotes: 1-888-275-3224