Manufacturing Insurance

Who Needs Manufacturing Insurance?

Small machine shops, mid-size manufacturers, and companies with multi-state operations depend on the counsel, advice, and expertise of our experienced staff. We understand the complexities inherent in manufacturing and how to best manage risk with a company’s partners up and down the supply chain.

Do you have the proper plans in place to handle a product recall? If a supplier goes offline and puts customer contracts in jeopardy, are you prepared? How do you best cover employees who cross state lines? If customers place orders online and their accounts are hacked, are you covered?

What type of insurance does a manufacturing company need?

Among our value-added services, we offer comprehensive contract review. We know what to look for regarding insurance requirements and help businesses safeguard against being underinsured or over insured. Beyond providing insurance we bring to the table a depth of knowledge in the manufacturing space that you can count on to make smarter business decisions.

Our Comprehensive Coverage include but is not limited to:

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